18 issues.....think






Newsletter #2

23 February 2008




Dear Friends


Welcome to the 2nd issue of our Newsletter.  I think we had some technical issues on the January one so if you want to check you haven't missed something vital (!), click here The January issue announced our Rewards & Referrals program, showed how to use Stop-it-All cold (semi-solid salve), sought volunteer product reviewers, discussed Whole Health - Probiotics, and requested your feedbacks.

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What's in this issue?

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1Beat the Bugs EARLY

With a new outbreak of [midge bites] affecting farm animals in Poole on the 13th of February, it's confirmation that the midges are back....  

Did you know the same Culicoides from Africa can transmit a very nasty bite for horses ?  

And it's the Culicoides genus of mosquitoes that cause the majority of an animal's summer itching issues too......  


March 2007.  Veterinary Director of the Horse Trust, Brigadier Paul Jepson

"Britain's £3.4 billion equine industry is being put at risk by climate change.  African Horse Sickness (AHS), a deadly virus carried by midges (Culicoides from Africa), is the non-identical twin of the Blue Tongue Virus [current scares within the farming community concerning cattle and sheep.]  What suits one midge connected issue suits the other.  This is not a scare, this is a reality.  We are working with the Government to produce control measures.  We want to avoid control measures that involve mass slaughter.  Whilst the risk at 2007 is assessed as low, the key word is vigilance - keep your eyes open." 


So whether you own horses or farm animals, being proactive against midge attack is key, a) to keep the bugs from landing and b) to stop your animals from the mental trauma of feeling defenceless and then developing paranoia about bugs.  And our research shows that if you can keep a horse's confidence in its ability to cope with bugs, many scratching habits don't form.


Thus, we urge you not to wait until the magazines start talking about fly/bug protection but to get on the case early.  And with Stop-it-All  it's easy and cheap to offer a layer of protection as you can use the oil diluted.  All the dilution ratios are in your Application Notes (orange A5 double-sided sheet that came with your bottles) but if you need another copy then just e-mail us.  Or if you'd rather call for a chat, then we're here to help on 01823 259952

2.  Pet Fleas - a possible alternative to a chemical flea collar


By washing your pets in our Treatment Shampoo you are giving them some protection against fleas and ticks...as we know critters hate the smell/taste of our oil mix (which is obviously in the shampoo).  We've also had feedback that some of you are applying the oil neat onto the collars and between the shoulder blades to see if pets can then cope without a chemical flea collar......  In an ideal world it would be great to bin chemical collars....but equally we're realists.  So as you don't need to spend on further products, if you wish to try it too, please do let us know how you get on!  

A suggestion:  if you take a small jug, add the amount of shampoo you'll be using (perhaps 1-2 egg cupfuls depending on the pet's size), add about 1/2 a teaspoon of extra Stop-it-All  oil into the jug and then about half a mug of warm water, scrunch about with your sponge and then apply this mixture to your wet pet as per the bottle instructions.  This added oil will soak into the skin during the 3-5 minute period before you do the final rinse.  The animal should still come up 'smelling of roses' but this tiny amount of extra oil seems to make a big difference in deterring fleas.  It also adds extra moisture into the skin.  Feel free to play around with the amount of oil you add so the pet gets all its benefits but still smells fresh and clean afterwards.

3The skin is a mirror

There's increasing awareness that what we feed our animals is reflected on the outside, the skin.  Sadly many of today's feed ingredients are unsuitable for our animals (whether it's horses or our pets) because they are either toxic or difficult to digest.  Molasses, cereals, pulses, haylage, preservatives, mould inhibitors and 'indigestible fillers' are not eaten in a horse's natural/ideal environment...they're designed to digest fibre and acquire their nutritional requirements from grazing.  A knock-on effect of stressing our horses' digestive systems is the negative impact on its immune system and that in turn is a slippery slope to an animal being unable to fight off common illness and disease...which means our Vets might be visiting more than they need!


For around two years we've been recommending animal owners investigate their feed labels.  Many grain fed horses have ulcers; molasses is addictive and can cause skin and behavioural issues;  haylage is frequently high in sugar and acid;  preservatives, pesticide residuals & the range of chemicals buried in ingredient labels are very likely adversely affecting the microbes within the hind gut.  But all is not totally gloomy!


There are feeds readily available that are ideal for horses to flourish on....they're just rarely the companies with the big advertising budgets (sorry for cynicism!).  Many of our clients have been using 'natural' feeds for a long time and the frequent feedback is lower Vet visits, reduced feed bills, better wintering-out condition and reduced behavioural and skin issues.


This article by Jane van Lennep B.Sc., M.Sc., BHSI, NPSD, (click here) may be of interest as it explains the science and rationale of using 'correct' feeds whether an animal is in full competition, a happy hack, a laminitic or an OAP.  For those not already feeding the Simple System products, they offer a fantastic Helpline (please do mention Stop-it-All  in case it earns you discounts), and products that offer horses a safe, balanced and genuinely natural diet from which to flourish whilst saving you money and health-related aggravations.

4A few recent Testimonials


"Teddy's life has been transformed!  Teddy arrived with appalling [summer itching] & permanently rubbed his neck....we treated him with everything. Teddy now doesn't rub his mane at all...and he's turned out day & night with no signs of rubbingOn another horse, within 4 days his [muddy environment issue] was gone and has not returned."  Click here to read the story.

Mr J Collins, Derbyshire;  summer itching, muddy environments (2 horses);  February 2008

"The Vet was surprised my Doberman's 2" gash it had from a German Shepherd attack wasn't infected; he was amazed the wound was neatly knitting itself together and never needed stitches.  Click here to read the full text.

S Withey, Avon;  dog-attack wounds, extreme horse leg itching;  01/08

"I used the oil on a small patch of eczema - just a little once a day on the affected area in the crease of my elbow (the only place I have a problem) and by the 3rd day it had gone!  Better than steroids anytime.  I must say one could get rather addicted to the smell ..."

V Layfield, Trannack Tack Shop, Coverack Bridge, Helston, Cornwall;  human itching/flaky skin;  02/08


"Dreadful [muddy environment issues] in 2006...immediately sorted with Stop-it-All at first signs this year, my parents' Labrador's crusty lump went, stopped my Labrador chewing his paws raw, even eased my cold sores....  Click here to read the full text.

Mrs J Ward, Preston, Lancs:  for mud issues (& leg mites), dog crusty lump + feet gnawing, human cold sores; 01/08


"Stop-it-All is by far the best thing that I have tried - inside 1 week he's stopped leg stamping and foot chewing, some of the scabs have already gone and others are healing quickly.  I am so pleased that I have found Stop-it-All.  Going to try it for [summer itching]  & mozzies now!  Click here to read the full text.

Miss Ropert, Jersey, Channel Islands:  for leg mites, foot chewing, leg stamping;  01/08

5££ Saving Suggestion - Semi-Solid Salve - For easy access in cooler weather AND ideal in anti-gravity situations!

Next time you've warmed your Stop-it-All oil bottle, pour some runny oil into a disused wide-top pot (please ensure it's really cleaned out first) then when it's cooled and semi-solid, you’ve oil for all situations and temperatures.  If time is tight, the pre-packaged 100ml Semi-Solid Salve (shown here) is just £6.60 and it's easily added to your next order.


The semi-solid salve (which is kept cold rather than warm like the oil) is ideal for:


a) the colder months,

b) when you need to use it in upside-down positions....say under the belly, and

c) use on small pets like dogs, cats, chickens and guinea pigs.  


Keep the pot in any cool spot (tackroom, fridge, shed, lorry) and when you need it, just dip your finger in to gouge out a 'blob' ...depending on how hot your hands are, you usually have about 20-30 seconds before it melts into 'normal oil' and runs off your finger!

6Rewards & Referrals ProgramMore Ways to Save with Stop-it-All 

7YOUR feedback matters

We're really keen to hear about your experiences with Stop-it-All  (photos very welcome). so please do write in or e-mail us.   And any time you feel like sending us an update, please know we're genuinely interested in your stories and photos.  


The same goes for any ideas you'd like to suggest....so we look forward to hearing from you.


Cheerio for now and thank you for being part of Mother Nature's 'path to good health'.  And if you tell your friends & colleagues about us, don't forget to make sure they mention your name...so you'll be earning savings while you sleep!

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Stop-it-All Natural Skin Products....Gentle, Effective & Economical


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The opinions and statements contained within this newsletter are intended for guidance purposes only.
