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The Trial

2006/7 Trial Results

All participants were given free sample oil mixture & shampoo in lieu of detailed written feedbacks on various issues with their horses & dogs (although some also tried it on their human problems too!).
Because animal skin is so sensitive & frequently cannot cope with the 'nice smellies' or seemingly 'everyday chemicals' that are in many of today's products that we humans like, we wanted to ensure the trial animals were washed in a totally non-invasive & gentle shampoo. We didn't see the point of trying the Ruggle-it oil if the shampoo was in fact exacerbating skin problems.  
The trial results are condensed as follows (which include some failures too to offer peace of mind that we are not trying to hide anything!). What we find particularly exciting is that these results are from one product that sits in your medicine cabinet..... One gentle product... so many capabilities.

Important Note:  Any blacked out words with [bracketed] text has been amended to meet VMD/Vet Med criteria.  All text is Veterinary Medicines Directorarte (VMD) compliant.  Click here for what that means to you. 

Issues on which Ruggle-it was applied
Success Rate
Summer itching
Fly/bug deterrent
Muddy environments
Hair growth
Minor wounds
Non specific Skin irritations (these issues are where diet
& outside influences may need to be investigated)
Fungus/scabs/hair loss
Growing Skin Lumps (sadly not that beneficial although it kept
the skin soft & frequently encouraged hair growth.)
Skin softener
Mites (ear, leg, other)


The overall success rate across all the Trial Participants encompassing ALL the health issues above was: >80%





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