issue |
publication |
notes |
November 2018
Countryman's Weekly
"Whole Health Saves Money"
> See how certain multi-tasking
products really can save money,
e.g. a product for joints also helps skin or how another
helps the immune system, skin, energy, digestion & joints
all at the same time.
> Other company's products too that might be useful.
Click here
(it's worth any wait to download).
Thank you Countryman's Weekly
August 2018
Everything Horse

NEW product launch.
Ruggle-it Fast
for any outside-living animal or
outside-working human
– Just
fill with
shake &
apply or
leave it made-up for use another day/week/month.
- Environmentally friendly (safe for
run-off, drains, rivers), super kind on skin, super
quick to use
100% recyclable
- Said National
Hunt race horse owner, Gay Hartley, from West Yorkshire:
“Horse flies were plaguing my
summer-resting race horses & driving them
demented! They were swishing their tails & tossing
their heads constantly. After applying
Ruggle-it Fast as
instructed, calm now reigns & it’s keeping all insects
at bay.”
Click here
for the editorial + who can use it...
Thank you
May 2017

"Summer bugs -
go to hell with Ruggle-it"
Click here
for the story.
Thank you Equi-Ads
& Pegasus magazines
October 2016

"Mites and Mud - By George the Damage
they can do"
Traditional Cob overcomes desperate struggles
& fear from mites & mud damage on legs and behind knees.
Click here
for the owners' honesty, fear, joy & hope. (Includes
before &
after photos
- it's worth any wait to
Thank you Equi-Ads + Pegasus magazines
September 2016
"Boggy Gateways, Mud, Minor Wounds & Scabs
- 3 out of 4 'Ain't Bad!"
Thank you Equi-Ads magazine
June 2016
Blackmore Vale Magazine

"Deal with Aphids, Wasps, Ants, Mealeybugs
& Pests the Natural Way. BVM have seen some
interesting testimonials from Ruggle-it users"
Click here
for the story.
Thank you Blackmore Vale Magazine
May 2016

Donkey Breed Society magazine -
"Maple the Donkey & Mystery Itching
- Exposed!"
Click here
for the story (it's worth any wait to
Pegasus magazine -
"Summer bugs"
Click here
for the story.
Thank you Pegasus, Equi-Ads & Donkey Breed Society
January 2016
Blackmore Vale
Blackmore Vale magazine -
Rural Scene NEWS "Saving money with
multi-tasking natural products"
Click here
for the story.
Thank you Blackmore Vale
March 2015
Cheshire Pet (Willows Veterinary Group)
Equestrian TV

Cheshire Pet (Willows Veterinary Group) -
NEWS Round-Up "Ruggle-it - a natural
alternative for itchy cats"
Click here
for the story.
Equestrian TV- "Ruggle-it
Regime keeps Winston in the Field".
persistant mud & mite issues to 23 days hunting & no
Click here
Equi-Ads - "Stop Summer Bugs
(Rare breed Cleveland Bay's summer
& tail itching - includes
BEFORE & AFTER photos.
Click here
Thank you Cheshire Pet Magazine, Equi-Ads
& Equestrian TV
Jan/Feb 2015
Your Cat

"Chester shows a clean pair of
heels" -
Welsh Section C's mud issues, irritation with rubber from
arena, mites -
click here
for the story
Thank you
Your Cat & Pegasus magazines
October 2014
Everything Horse
"Tippy the Hunter back on his toes" -
mystery crusting on tendons, lower legs & mystery skin bumps
(saddle area) -
click here
for the story
(including before, during & after
"Worried about Mud this
winter - read this excellent article..."
click here
Thank you Pegasus
& Everything Horse magazines
September 2014
Plan Ahead for Winter -
preventing muddy gateways, getting naked (Vitamin D), itch
prevention (cheaper!) ++.
Story #1 -
click here
to read story
(or see on P4 of this Sept' 2014 actual magazine).
Story #2 -
to read story & user's comments.
Story #3 - see British Horse, Sept'
2014 issue, P55 - "Smart Nourishment"
Thank you Equi-Ads,
Horsemart, BHS
July 2014
British Horse (BHS)
Animal Health Advisor
1. "Fly Protection" British Horse
(P37, June/July issue)
2. "One Product - beat flies, mud issues & puffy
legs" (includes multiple
Click here
Thank you kindly to British Horse, Equi-Ads, Animal Health
Advisor & Pegasus
May 2014
1. "Mystery Itching - stop it now, summer or
winter!" (includes Tiddler's
before +
after images)
Click here
2. "Veteran cob beat flies, mud issues & puffy
legs with one product" (includes Atlas'
before & after images)
Click here
Thank you kindly to Pegasus & Horsemart
April 2014
Horse & Hound
1. "Joint Cream for Riders" .
Click here
2. "Perfect Partnership" No Mud issues in Britain's
wettest winter on record for Mojo (horse);
no flies on him either last summer!
Plus no more mystery itching for the cat!"
Click here
Thank you H&H & Horsemart online
Jan' 2014
Everything Horse UK,
"Mallenders Behind the Knees - from the Insides Out"
Read the various articles:
a) on Page 50
Click here,
(everythinghorse) or
Click here
Or see Mrs Sharland's full testimonial (includes
before & after
Click here
All Magazines - we thank you for your interest & in helping
to share ideas for dealing with challenging health issues
December 2013
Rescue A Pet magazine
"A 'Tail' With A Happy Ending"
(Bichon Frise Molly's terribly itchy tail no longer under threat
of amputation)
Click here
Rescue magazine
- thank you very for your interest, we greatly appreciate
Keep up your great work at your lovely magazine - helping
unloved animals find new homes,
October 2013
Dog World 11/10/13
"Coat Problems" - Jane Lilley's Living with
Dogs column
(pet blackened skin, hair loss +
human hair loss)
Click here
Thank you very much for including
Mrs Axtel's comments
the Jane Lilley column - greatly appreciated.
September 2013
Everything Horse UK, Horsemart
August 2013
1. Showing Journal,
2. Pegasus,
3. Dog World,,
4. Equi-Ads & others
1. Dog World
Magazine - e-Newsletter 8/8/13
"Mother Nature, Neem, Science & Skincare - The Clever
2. The Truth about Vitamin D. Clever
Ways to Free Load
Click here
July 2013
1. Everything Horse UK
2. BHS (July/August)
3. Horsemart
1. The Naked Truth about Vitamin D &
Click here
2. British Horse (BHS) Magazine - see the
supplements section, "Smart Nourishment"
June 2013
1. Horse & Countryside T&T
2. Equi-Ads
3. Field & Rural Life
4. Pegasus
T&T - Horse & Countryside Magazine - see P92,
June issue
Editorial - "Hints for Whole Health"
Click here
May 2013
1. BHS (May/June)
2. Pegasus South East & Online
"Buzz off with Tap Water & Ruggle-it"
(Clever use of water to convert the oil into 5-10 times its
volume without affecting effectiveness.
Click here
March 2013
Equi-Ads (National)
"Ruggle-it helps Rare Breed recover"
(Cleveland Bay's summer itching - includes
BEFORE & AFTER photos) Click here
November 2012
1. Countryman's Weekly
2.. Equestrian Life
1. "A MUST for stalkers & shooters -
not one single tick" by Ray
[Countryman's Weekly]
Click here
2. "Itching" -
for all dog-owning horse owners"
[Equestrian Life] Click here
September/October 2012
1. Equi-Ads, September
2.. The Landsman -
3. Field & Rural Life - October
1. ".Injury, Box Rest & OM3 Hasten Body's
Click here
2. Nikolaus beats the bugs & rugs with Ruggle-it
{Landsman - go to P7] Click here
3. Beat the Bugs & Rugs with Ruggle-it
{Field & Rural Life] Click here
August 2012
1. Shooting Times, 8 August 2012
2.. HorseMart
3. Equestrian Life
1. ".Ruggle-it Ticks Off Parasites"
[Shooting Times]
Click here
2. Muddy Issues - Disney & Emma Whittaker's
{HorseMart] Click here
3. Ruggle-it for Year-Round Mud Issues
{Equestrian Life] Click here
July 2012
BHS July/August 2012
Pegasus July '12
1. ".Smart Nourishment with 'Engine Foods'"
Click here
2. ".Re-Vitalised Back & Joints help Patrick Fly
the Flag!"
Click here
June 2012
Field & Rural Magazine
".Itching Confusion - Midges or Invisible Millennium
March 2012
Horse & Rider
"....this month we LOVE....Ruggle-it...."
February 2012
(plus Pegasus, East Midlands Rider,
Equestrian Lifestyle, Native Pony ...) |
Rescued from Mystery Itching -
- Millennium
Mites. Tiddler's story.
Relevant for all itchy horse, dog, cat &
alpaca owners...
Click here
to read story .
Thank you to all magazines who are helping spread the word on this
mystifying & frustrating issue.
December 2011
Pegasus |
Keep Immunes strong - cheaply & without
chemicals or stress - human, horse, pet
23 November 2011
Gun Mart |
GLM for Healthy Joints
"Since the GLM my Ten year old pointer charges
around like a nutter!"
October 2011
Horse & Hound |
"Green Lipped Mussel - there was significant
improvement in soundness & a reduction in joint pain....."
Peter Green MRCVS
[double-blind study]
To read story
link on H&H - removed as not meet VMD regulations
horse and hound
October 2011
East Midlands Rider |
September 2011
Equine, Canine & Countrylife Magazine
UK Itching phenomenon - mites, midges, mystery
Mites - what to look for, breeding zones
(surprising!), how to stop it INSTANTLY & deter cheaply.
July 2011
Pegasus Magazine |
"Swap your Ripped Rugs for Ruggle-it" -
Reggie's story
Click here
June 2011
Native Pony Magazine |
"Convert competition STRESS into your WINNING
Click here
January - April 2011
Horse & Hound
HORSE magazine
Your Horse
"Bargain Hunt" - Ruggle-it
"What's New?" - R&S
Click here
Whole Health - saving Money
Full story - removed
for VMD regulation reasons
horsemart 2241
February 2011
NFU Countryside
Marketplace - New Products
Naturally Inspired Skincare
Click here
Reader's Letter
anyone tried anything that has genuinely put a spring back
into an old dog's step?"
Click here
Banishing Winter & Wet Skin Issues
product we've seen some outstanding results
Click here
8 month old puppy Yoda's struggle
Full story - removed for
VMD regulation reasons
ourdogs_june10 |
30 December 2009
The Countryman's Weekly - Britain's Countrysports Newspaper
Omega 3 - Ruggles products champion the benefits
Click here
August 2009
Redpin Group
(inc' Welsh Rider, Equestrian Plus, South
East Rider, All Horse, Ridgeway Rider,
East Anglia Rider)
Your Questions Answered:
"Both my horse & I react badly to horsefly bites. I've read
Ruggle-it acts as a deterrent & a soother, can you tell me more?"
Full story - removed as
3 words contravene VMD regulation reasons
June 2009
Equine, Canine & Country Life
Tried & Tested - dogs (ticks), horses (summer itching/flies), human
"I have to be honest, this product did not convince me when I heard about it - it completely proved me wrong. I am
shocked Ruggle-it works so well"
Read Journalist Carrie Buchanan's
Full story -
removed as 12 words contraveneVMD regulation reasons
April 2009
Yorkshire Today
"Never having owned a sufferer of summer itching before, I was horrified when my Welsh Cob started to rub... but within a week his fur returned & he really enjoyed having it applied & you could see it brought him relief"
Read Journalist Angie Cooper's story
Full story - removed as
2 words contraveneVMD regulation reasons
February/March 2009
Equestrian Lifestyle
"In the beginning....natural dreams. How the natural therapy business began"
Click here
"Your Rubbish Saves Animal Lives this Recession - it costs you nothing - please help"
Click here
5 December 2008
Dog World
Stop Itching Naturally. "It took just one bath...."
Full story - removed for
VMD regulation reasons
December 2008
Equine Canine & Country Life
Beat the Recession the Natural Way - Probiotics and Topicals to minimize
issues & save money.
Full story - removed for VMD regulation reasons
Ponies UK competitor - Fell pony Callum's Summer Itching success. From mites & mossies & eight rugs a summer to hardly itching anymore.
Equine Canine
& Country Life
Alpaca's relief - worldwide search finds "miracle formula for mites and baldness".
Click here
An Equi-Ads reader's 'journey' on using the products for extreme summer itching on a Warmblood for 3 years. Page 24
Redpin Group, inc' Ridgeway Rider, All Horse, Equestrian Plus, SE Rider
Country Smallholding
"Healing Oils for Animals"
"Hantu the Arab...a real star at Eventing".
"Harry was bitten so badly I had to dress him in fly rugs & mask to hack out but since using ruggle-it he can bare all... I was so impressed" said owner & BE competitor Sandra Betts.
Click here
Carriage Driving
Equine, Canine
& Country Life
"Show Stopper - show preparation for horses, dogs, rabbits & competing animals... but without harsh chemicals"
Click here
April '08
The Stables Equine Vet Practice
"Something New This year - Ruggle-it...for Somerset's never-ending supply of midges"
April '08
CLA - Country Land & Business Association
"Carried by Insects". Exotic midges travel further due to 'global warming' & offer more threats to all animals.
Click here for a PDF of complete story/warnings & simple preventative measures
Tried & Tested
"18hh gelding tormented by itchy legs, incessant stamping, rubbing, kicking.... now
all in the past thanks to Ruggle-it."
Equine, Canine
& Country Life
Beating the Bugs, Early
"January the 12th and the bugs were biting!" "By applying it intermittently and before the season really gets going, my Shire no longer suffers from summer itching"
Click here for a PDF
Equestrian Life
Tried & Tested - unknown bumpy skin
"It certainly seemed to help my
horse's bumpy skin"
Click here for PDF
England's Equestrian
Product Test - Muddy Environments,
Dry Skin, Over-Reaches, Flies.
"Inside 10 days it disappeared
& hasn't returned!"
Click here for PDF
Farm N Equine
Product Test - Muddy Environments, Flies.
"In 6 days the crusty heels softened;
great for flies too!"
Click here for PDF
Redpin Group including
All Horse, Welsh Rider, Equestrian Plus
Redpin Group

Product Test - Summer Itching
"He's stopped rubbing!"
The Alternative Horse Society