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Ensuring Quality

It's the minutiae that matter

A vital aspect of live bacteria are their ability to survive stomach acid.  Any products we sell have strains that are tested to the highest standards to ensure maximum effect.

In the UK there are strict UK/EU laws governing the manufacture & quality of live bacteria.  Sadly many products do not meet these criteria and/or are used with unsuitable fillers - so are you really getting what you're paying for? 

Additionally, currently in the UK there are only specific live yeasts that are registered as safe for use in horses so caution should be exercised in case a product contains unlicensed live bacteria or dead yeasts or herbal equivalents.

Protexin pioneered the manufacture of high quality & fully stable live bacteria in the UK - it was one of the first manufacturers on the market & is manufactured by Probiotics International Ltd (PIL), who have developed their products in partnership with practicing vets, microbiologists & research programmes worldwide since 1988.

We have known & used Protexin since 1995.  Many Vets and Doctors, trust & recommend Protexin.


Important Note:  Any blacked out words with [bracketed] text has been ameneded to meet VMD/Vet Med criteria.  All text is Veterinary Medicines Directorarte (VMD) compliant.  Click here for what that means to you.



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