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Scientific research

Good health from the insides out for animals & humans...large & small

Much research is available connecting probiotics & the immune system including for ruminants (farm animals/cud-chewers!), horses, pets and for humans for hay fever, skin irritations/itching, enhanced digestive absorption, overactive immune system response, infant nutrition, etc.

Prolonged & severe mud issues in horses/animals has now been proven to be directly linked to the health of the immune system... so whilst topical products like Ruggle-it® can be successful in many instances, for severe cases, Dr Verena Affolter and the UC Davis Veterinary Centre for Equine Health (USA) identify the clear need for a stimulated immune system response. Enter probiotics such as Protexin.

General Research Links
Protexin Research
Autism & Probiotics - click HERE

Are Probiotics Banned or Dangerous?
No.  Probiotics are considered a feed supplement... they are not drugs. Protexin Equine Premium contain no known prohibited substances as defined by the Jockey Club & FEI. According to the published literature, the pre/probiotic organisms found in Protexin have never been found to be toxic.

Protexin probiotics manufacture probiotics for virtually any living creature including adults, children, babies, dogs, cats, rabbits, camelids, birds, fish, horses, farm animals etc.


Important Note:  Any blacked out words with [bracketed] text has been amended to meet VMD/Vet Med criteria.  All text is Veterinary Medicines Directorarte (VMD) compliant.  Click here for what that means to you.


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