
"Thank you so much for
helping our Labrador Cookie
she is doing
so well
and you would
never know she has
[R&SL Note:
raging joint & elbow issues]
thanks to your products
[Bio-Kult, Omega 3, Green Lipped Mussel].
looks like a 5 year old
is actually 9.5 years old).
I am constantly recommending you to my doggy friends for all
your products, animal + human"
Click here
for full story for Cookie, 2 x Pugs, Cat & humans.
Sally Joy, South London
"Thank you so very much for all the phone time
with me about my constantly itching Westie puppy and his gut & health
issues. The Bio-kult ['live/multi
strain bacteria/probiotics] + your diet guidance have been
fantastic for his tummy upsets, + the Ruggle-it Shampoo for all his
itching needs. Nothing was too much trouble - thank you
so very much"
Click here
for story.
Christine Keeling, Essex; Westie Puppy
with digestive issues, coprophagia [eating cat poo],
severe itching, other health issues

"Have made lots of recommendations - so pleased with your
products #1.
cured [sorted]
my dog of millennium mites
[mystery/severe/prolonged itching], #2.
my horse who was so itchy she dented every side of the new
barn & #3. for my scalp.
Excellent products...& you even called me back spending1 hour to explain
things." (Used
Ruggle-it + 'pure probiotics/live
bacteria' + genuinely Omega 3-rich
oils (not OM6)
Click here dog, horse & human stories
and photos
Mrs Douglas, Alford, Lincs; 1 x dog severe/prolonged itching,
1 x horse destructive summer itching, 1 x human scalp, dogs (x4) skin,
joint, general well, bolstering 'pure' Omega 3 (not 6)
My new Cob had
behind the knees]
and was stamping so followed your Ruggle-it 3 week Planner
routine (+
Protexin 'pure' probiotics)
as you suggested.
At the end of your
3 weeks
there is
no evidence
[crusty areas]. I
wanted to use natural products not
dectomax injections)
[harsh 'inserted' applications].
#2. Very
effective &
sorted my daughter's young Cob with recurring mites & stamping
by following your Ruggle-it Itching Planner scrupulously."
Click here
for story + photos
Sam, Wilts 1 x new
Cob with
scabs mallenders
[crusty areas
behind the knees]
& mites
+ 1 x Cob
persistent mites, stamping
"Rescue goat - 18 months of
increasing hair loss
totally bald sides],
very dry skin, scaly, red & now
[badly irritated]
skin spread over both sides of Eileen's body. Tried lots - nothing
works. Vet perplexed. Thank you so much - with Protexin +
Ruggle-it Eileen is
hairy again & settled now
- much love from all at Rainbow Sanctuary"
Click here
for full story and
before + after photos.
worth any delay in the file download...]
Used Starter Pack 1-H - Ruggle-it
+ 'pure' Probiotics
Sheila B & Caroline, Rainbow Animal
Sanctuary, Shaftesbury, Dorset Rescue Goat with severe skin issues, mystery hair loss, mites
"We take your Protexin Bio-Kult & feel
greatly improved health.
Your Ruggle-it, Green Barley Grass & Protexin Bio-Kult
saved one very ill Border Terrier's life - Tippy had such a severe flea
infestation she became dangerously
She's never been as well as now!
Also, we've never had such efficient & warmly friendly
service anywhere!" Click
here for more...
Mrs S Wood & Mr J Benton, Stowmarket; pet &
house fleas, sickness, human issues
"My old mare
can't defeat the
[mud/winter issues]
type symptoms on her hind
fetlock. She's also been diagnosed with
Cushings & we're battling
[serious health issue which can threaten the
health of the hooves/feet]. After your Protexin & Ruggle-it,
darling Dylis looks a picture, is jumping again
& all
infections (issues on the
leg) cleared. Thank you:)"
Jancey Wembridge, Somerset; Show Jumper -
recurring mud issues; other health/immune issues
"Very good products for horses, dogs & myself. No more
itching & no more sleepless nights. The service is marvellous
& lots of my friends say the same"
Click here for
handwritten note
Mrs O'Neil, Surrey; itching, seasonal issues,
internal health
terrible mite damage, 'grease', open areas + smell - bills increasing, no
improvements & a frightened horse. Then your products
('pure' probiotics + Ruggle-it)
& it's amazing - I am over the moon. The
before/after photos
show it all. If you're in trouble like George was, these products
work. He's so happy now + sends you a very big kiss of
Click here
file - it's
worth any delay in the file download...] for the journey from
hell to happiness + before & after
A Leatherland/P.Mason, Leics; Horse - severe
& recurring mite damage
(legs/feet), itching, extreme nervousness regarding legs
Horse - Mosquitoes, Flies, Itching, Stress.
"Your Protexin Gut Balancer probiotics & Ruggle-it
have freed my Hackney from being in a
rug 24/7. He's much more relaxed.
With Ruggle-it there may be a mist of mosquitoes around him,
3 inches above his skin!"
Dogs - Itching,
Irritated Paws.
"I gave them the Bio-Kult Live Bacteria capsules & applied
your Ruggle-it salve - one dog's paw was extremely irritated from constant
licking. After 2 days the grass seed was expelled with a lot of
yellow gunk. Miraculous &
excellent products."
Click here for a detailed hand-written letter.
Mrs C Gorrel, Ringwood, Hants; equine itching,
stress, flying bugs; dog itching + 1 x 'alien' embedded in the paw
Protexin Gut Balancer has certainly kept my two old girls
going against all odds - they do so well on it.
Your Protexin is THE BEST
- I've ditched the rest!"
Click here
Mrs Cumming, Illminster, Somerset; 2 x very elderly
knees - see the before & after photos -
they speak for themselves!
I am totally thrilled at how quickly things seem to have improved"
Click here
(350kb file but worth the wait for download)
Mrs Sharland, Ipswich; Coloured cob's behind the
knee crustiness (mallenders)
"Demodex mite infestation (+ black skin & tail) - all gone & never
returned with your Protexin live bacteria & Ruggle-it products."
Click here
Kevin White; Border Terrier's mites, blackened
is brilliant! I can't believe how much better I have felt
since starting on it. For the first time in donkeys' years I
haven't had a cold or flu
over Christmas so my immune system must be working properly now I think
:- I am
really quite thrilled at how good I am feeling lately. (especially
considering all the rubbish I ate over Christmas!!)"
Becky Taylor, Scunthorpe; run-down human
Horse - "I tried you as a last
(with scepticism - sorry!). I now kick myself for not trying
your Probiotics & Ruggle-it sooner.
I'm most impressed with the difference in Mojo - he's now calm, lowers his
head to be sprayed with Ruggle-it (he'd not tolerate sprays forward of his
poll before),
loves the probiotics (he's usually very food cautious) & no
longer mistrusts humans - he's now loving & seeking attention.
After 2012's major battle with mud issues, I feared the
worst with 2014's incessant rain - but nothing!
No one can believe his shiny coat"
Cat - "Cassie Cat's
itching & crusty areas were gone in a couple of weeks & haven't returned.
I've not used 'traditional' flea products since & her coat is lovely &
Wonderful products, care , attention & advice
- I recommend your company to anyone who will listen!"
Click here for
updated story.
Lisa Young, South Glos;
extreme equine itching, skin-reactive, severe apprehension,
Medicine cabinet must-haves
- that's how I value Protexin probiotics & Ruggle-it oil..
One of my Alpaca RSPCA rescue cases [Mrs Summers looks
after rescued Alpacas for the RSPCA & others] who was
riddled with mites & had thick crusty scabs all over her belly , was
cured with Ruggle-it. & Protexin (I fed it for 3 months to help re-build
her from the insides). My vet was more than impressed."
Dianne Summers, Helston, Cornwall; Rescued Alpaca
(ex RSPCA)
"My hunter Tippy came to me with painful & persistent mud issues
- I'd tried other products but couldn't clear the deep cracks in the creases
of the fetlocks. They thrive on the
probiotics & we've just done 23 days hunting this season
[winter 2013-14 is the wettest on British records!]
and we've avoided the mud & mite issues with Ruggle-it!"
"Still no mud, mite issues. My two hunters have hardly missed a
day...it's me that's exhausted!"
Click here
for original story/struggle [includes multiple
before &
after photos] + UPDATE
worth any delay in the file download...]
Jane J, Conwy; persistent mud & crusting
issues, mite damage, mystery bumps under the saddle
- Mud/Fungal Issues.
"I simply
couldn't believe
difference in my Cob's legs (pastern up to tendons +
mallenders [crusting behind his knees] with the Protexin &
Ruggle-it. It's important to follow the instructions but
Ruggle-it works!"
- Itching - Winter + Summer.
"Ruggle-it was also remarkable for his
extreme summer &
winter itching (tail + sheath). It's
lot more economical than fly rugs, masks
& fly sprays that don't work, let alone replacing fences. And he
no longer needed fly rugs!"
Click here for a very detailed account [includes
before &
after photos]
- it's worth the wait for any download delay (345kb file)
Mrs C Watson, Northallerton, Yorkshire;
behind knee
crusting & thickened legs from pastern to tendons, extreme summer/winter
"I wanted to tell you how pleased I am with your Ruggle-it & Protexin
Bio-Kult - my finger recovered rapidly after being bitten off (amputated)
after a dog fight."
(inc' during & after
Ms Jenkinson, Somerset; human finger - after
"Photo 1. Amy in 2008 [rubbed out mane/tail
from summer itching];
Photo 2. A a different story in 2009 with
Ruggle-it & Protexin probiotics. She's looking fabulous (and yes,
the [Scottish] midges have been out & going this year). I've used it for
everything...itchy terrier, on the gelding who rubbed on a newly creosoted
pole & took acres of hair off - hair regrowth started in 3 days. I even like
the smell!"
Click here for full story &
before & after photos
Mrs KG, Perthshire, Scotland Highland Pony's summer
itching + itchy terrier + horse creosote
"Your Protexin Restore good bacteria sachets, shampoo & ruggle-it oil
completely got rid of my son's sudden onset of
eczema [skin
issues] inside 15 days & no reoccurrence - brilliant. (Your
shampoo sorted my son's cradle cap brilliantly too (retrieved
from my itchy Icelandic's stable!)"
Click here
Charlie Barrett, Bridge, Somerset
1. Baby skin itching;
2 Cradle Cap
"Your advice has totally changed our lives.
Inside a few weeks of your Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria capsules, dietary
advice & Ruggle-it I simply do NOT have the
words to express my gratitude for the difference in Molly (young
Click here
Gill Bennett, Tavistock, Devon; 1 year old
Labrador - 'wind'/digestive issues, sickness, digging up organic vegetables,
stress, extreme itching & ear issues, paw chewing, hair loss
""Thousands spent with the pros - since
Ruggle-it, your Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria capsules & diet advice, my
Westie & Westie/Scottie are back in top condition.
Rest assured I am singing your praises to every one I know
who has pets.""
Click here
G Champion, Langport, Somerset; 2 x Westies -
extreme itching, ear & dietary issues
A. "I've been in hospital on many
occasions but since your Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria capsules the nurses
could not believe the difference (my Consultant even said to carry on with
whatever I was taking(!), my depression lifted & I have more energy; my
District nurse said I was like a new person."
"Also, Lez is getting back to his old self after many years + your
Maxavita have helped his legs so much. We cannot thank you enough."
here to read 2-page hand-written letter
Mr & Mrs Mozley, Sheffield; 2 x humans
(persistent illness - frequent hospitalisation, mood, energy, joints,
"Hayfever &
very extreme reactions to cats - now very much under control
thanks to Bio-Kult . I used to dread the summer & seeing pets...".
Click here
for handwritten note
Miss Stone, Taunton; Human cat allergy & hayfever
"Your Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria capsules helped my cat's stomach
issues. Also great success with some of your other products for me
& the cats - your joint
pillules, the Ruggle-it human shampoo & soaps, the
R&S facial oil & the Ruggle-it salve as an anti-lick deterrent"
Click here
Mrs P.D. A', Bideford, Devon; 2 x Cats (see
above); 1 x Human (irritated & sensitive skin).
"Protexin has helped the youngster's droppings & now has
less issues (calmer) when staying away at clinics. It & your
Ruggle-it worked brilliantly on the knee scabs too."
Click here
Mrs Julie P-D, Hampshire: young TBx + 20 yr old cob -
stress, mallenders, crusty knee-backs, mites, stamping, itching
Staph A [extreme skin invasion from equine mites damage] - Drummer's
legs have improved beyond recognition & now only needs a few sprays of the
diluted oil. Truly amazing - I couldn't be without it."
Click here
Mrs Howard, Oldham, Lancs; equine mites/itchy legs,
confirmed Staph A, immune system sensitivities, dust issues, 'elephant' legs
A. "Hooray! The Bio-kult is
fab' at helping manage fungal & other issues after I've been on antibiotics
+ they helped my Mum's stomach problems & stress at Dad's funeral.".
B. "With your Vitamin D my 20
years of mood swings are less erratic & with no emotional withdrawals if I
stop my usual products."
Ms Jenkinson, Somerset; human (stress,
stomach issues, fungal & other recurring issues, 20 years of mood swings)
"Used Ruggle-it & your Protexin probiotics as
I've spent a fortune at vets with no response - you were the last
resort before blood tests & skin scrape route. In two days the
majority of lumps had gone & the itching stopped!!
It's like magic I just can't believe how effective your
products have been."
Click here for full story.
Mrs Snowdon, Ripon, North Yorks;
equine itching/lumpy skin
With your probiotics & Ruggle-it my elderly horse
has retained full feathers & no mud or scabby knee issues this year
(other probiotics didn't help!). The effects on my 23 year old
horse were
almost immediate.
Thanks for feeding advice & this marvellous stuff!" Click
Mrs Andrew, Swindon, Wilts; elderly horse's immune,
mud & issues; itchy Labrador dog
"Rotten pasterns, cracks & 'swollen follicles' from
years of being hobbled before I got Disney...in days of your oil, shampoo &
probiotics his legs are fantastic (after 5 days his body had already closed
the open areas) - for the 1st time ever he has soft, healthy skin on all 4
legs (& full feather again!). I'd tried EVERYTHING before you.
Romeo has always had big fly/midge difficulties when
he's been bitten - but he loves it, as soon as he smells the oil, he turns
around saying "put some here, and here, and here"!"
Click here
Miss Emma Whittaker, Preston; 1.
horse pastern 'invasion', swollen follicles, mud issues; 2. Fly
I just wanted to
say a huge thank you. My 11 month old daughter Elsie has been so
poorly the last few weeks, but since using Protexin Restore (I just
put a sachet in one of her bottles each day) she has made such a quick
recovery and is now back to her lively self ready for her 1st birthday
party coming up! Elsie and I can't thank you enough! :)"
Mrs Claire Launder, Somerset/Glos; Sick Baby
"5 years of
Demodex mite, immune issues, upset tummy, recurring attack by fox mites,
extreme itching & all-over hair loss . Inside 15 days of your
Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria capsules,
salmon oil & Ruggle-it shampoo, the change has been immense."
Click here
for the full story - the before & after photos
say it all!
Toni, Berkshire;
Westie with Demodex mite, fox mite damage, upset tummy, very
severe itching & almost 100% hair-loss
"I'm really impressed with Protexin Equine Gut
Balancer (probiotics)
- Dougal [ex racer] was very thin, stressed, doing lots of poos and
having tummy & feet issues. The results are impressive, the farrier's
noticed a dramatic improvement, it's not expensive & Dougal even likes
it... he turns his nose up at floppy carrots!"
Click here
for Before, during & After photos
Miss Samara Jacobs, Berkshire: BE Eventer with
weight, digestive, feet issues
"The shampoo my dog was given rotted the bath mat in 16
shampoos whilst Yoda had 8 months of very bad skin issues, itching, feet
chewing & hair loss. Since using your Ruggle-it shampoo &
oil-salve & the Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria capsules,
we haven't looked back since. I trust your
products completely, my dog is a lot happier & his coat
absolutely gleams. I hope others will trust Mother Nature to help
their dogs...and to have a good look at what is actually in some of
these 'so called' shampoos."
Click here
for very detailed hand-written letter.
Mrs Sue Berrisford, Staffs; very bad dog paw
chewing, yeast issues, itching, hair loss
"Faeces much firmer whereas liquid before. Definitely better from
using the
good bacteria capsules
Click here
Mrs Fife, Thirsk; Elderly dog's tummy issues (+
daughter's used the Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria
for her unexplained
tummy issues...after just days it & her skin are already so much better.
Click here
Mrs Moore, Swindon, Wilts
www.swindon.animalsathome.co.uk ; human's
tummy & skin issues
On the 'expert's advice, we nearly put our elderly Labrador to
sleep because of 'extreme' skin issues. Since using Ruggle-it and your
diet advice [good bacteria
+ feeds], the improvement has been amazing. She's even got her wag
Click here for the hand-written letter & before/after
photos [it's worth the wait to download!]
Mrs S. A, Dorset: 13 yr old Labrador's extreme
itching, skin issues
"Your Protexin has helped normalise my ex hurdler horse's appetite
issues. And no joint clicking since using your Green Lipped Mussel
- I think it's doing him good. Your Ruggle-it shampoo and face cream
have also performed well on sensitive skin."
Click here
Mrs SG, Somerset; ex Hurdler's appetite issues;
creaking joints; Human sensitive skin & hair
"Our working Springer
Spaniel was dying in front of us - we'd decided to put him down.
But we tried your good bacteria (salmon oil & Ruggle-it) as a last
resort. Within weeks he had come back to life..."
Click here
A Stothard, Durham; dog's life-threatening skin
"Protexin Gut Balancer has sorted the young Alpaca's mouth
foaming.... apparently the pelleted feeds can mean a gut imbalance so when
they chew the cud, they foam"
Click here
Mrs Hawkin, Rosecraddoc Alpacas: Alpaca mouth foaming
"Your bio-kult,
omega 3 salmon oil & treats and ruggle-it are excellent.
Henry went from a sad itchy dog to a glossy coated happy little dog.
I have recommended your products as each one is excellent (+ excellent
customer service, listening & explaining)" Click
(includes hand written comments, card)
Mrs Tointon, Angus, Scotland; rescue Dachshund dog
- itching, paw chewing, sad
"1. "My Friesian horse Nikko
arrived in poor condition, was thin & with lots of immune issues -
now he looks amazing with your probiotics, Ruggle-it &
2. "Our 2nd success story -
we rescued Bubba (Labrador x Rottweiler - meat intolerant, runniest of
tummies) in March - we put him on your
Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria capsules, salmon oil [to
help boost OM3], a chicken & potato diet & then BARF - he's had no
bad tummy since, wow has he grown & his coat shines. I can't
thank you enough for all your time, advice & encouragement."
Click here for 2 x very detailed
stories, feeding comments + before/after photos
(it takes a few seconds to download - it's worth the wait!)
Fiona Folley, Devon; Rescue Dog - skin & feed
sensitivities, inherited health weaknesses; New Horse - poor
health, summer itching, extreme scurf
"I am now convinced rice/cereals have been the root of the long-standing
paw chewing/irritated ears on four Tibetan Spaniels. It is wonderful to
see them so contented now - I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you
identified it."
Click here for very detailed feedback on combining Protexin,
Ruggle-it & feeds.
Mrs DZ, Liverpool: prolonged Dog paw chewing &
irritated ears; rice/cereal feed issues
"Mac my Labrador
was depressed, reacted to flea spot-ons, was itchy, with poor coat & all
over bald patches & puffy ears. We live in a midge hell hole too!
Now Mac's hair is growing back, he's happy again & his skin is fresh with no
more bumps."
Miss Bain, Peebleshire, Scotland;
multiple dog issues; pet/human Scottish midges.
[Used Starter Pack 4-B - Ruggle-it + Probiotics, changed
feeds, boosted Omega 3 intake] Click
sensitive scalp for as long as I can remember & I'd tried everything -
supplements, shampoos, eliminating foods. Inside a week of the salve,
shampoo and Protexin Bio-Kult good bacteria capsules, my scalp is clear!"
Click here
Becky, South Wales: c10 years of extreme
human scalp issues
Bio-kult and stopping rice have
made such a difference to my 14 year old dog - before this she was so
thin & I was seriously concerned about her future. I hope many others
will benefit from your company's knowledge, understanding & service"
Click here
for hand-written note + picture
Cathy Jones, Taunton, Somerset: elderly dog
- intolerant to rice, constant upset tummy, seriously thin