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Working with reiki against stress

Certain levels of stress in our daily and working lives are beneficial as it helps us to perform well. But if the stress is relentless then we become increasingly tired, perhaps we start to make minor mistakes, in turn this may reduce our effectiveness and if unresolved, stress can lead to illness and absenteeism from work. Stress can damage our immune system and eat into our confidence, slowly demoralising our belief in our ability to ‘cope’.
The following are some interesting statistics on stress and complementary therapies (CoT). I detail them not to scare, but rather to show that seeking CoT treatments is an increasingly popular choice in maintaining a healthy ‘balance’ in our bodies in today’s demanding environment.

c12.8 million working days are lost every year in the UK to stress. (5)

In 2005, half the UK workforce was believed to suffer from stress, with 26% of the survey respondents believing between 50 and 75% of the workforce was a more realistic figure for those suffering from some degree of stress. (3)

In May 2006, an internet survey found that 1 in 3 UK workers (or c33%) cannot get to sleep at night through anxiety; in 2003, a Samaritan survey revealed 80% of Britons suffered stress at some time. (4)

23% of the UK companies researched had no stress beating policies in place in 2005. Only 6% were working on developing policies. (3)

An estimated market size in the USA at 2005 for ‘Alternative Healthcare’ which includes holistic disease prevention, health/wellness solutions and complementary therapies, was US$30.7 billion. (2)

20% of the UK population was estimated to use CoT in 1999, spending c£1.6 billion1

A BBC survey in 1999 established the main reasons why UK citizens used CoT and their percentages: 25% used CoT to help relieve pain; 21% just because they liked it; 19% because it was relaxing; 12% as a preventative measure; 11% on a doctor’s referral. (1)

Growth in CoT in the USA between 1990 and 1997 increased from 4.2% to 7% (up 66%) for healing, and from 13.1% to 16.3% (up 24%) for relaxation techniques; the number of visits to complementary and alternative practitioners increased during the period by 43.7%. (1)

The House of Lords report stated that “CoT use in the United Kingdom is high and is increasing. This conclusion is supported by anecdotal evidence received from many of the report’s witnesses including the Foundation for Integrated Medicine (FIM), the NHS Alliance and the Department of Health, confirming that the public are very interested in this area”. (1)


  1. House of Lords Science & Technology - 6th Report (11/2000)

  2. Lifestyles of Health & Sustainability conference (LOHAS) - California USA, April 2005

  3. PTP Training & Marketing survey, April 2005

  4. The Samaritans Survey (,,

  5. UK Health & Safety Executive Statistics 2004/05. 

With the above in mind, is it surprising many of us succumb to stress from time to time in both our home and working lives? If ever we felt ‘alone’ in struggling to balance our lives, I feel the above can give us comfort!
With regular Reiki treatments, unhealthy build-ups of stress can be addressed to benefit the individual both in the home and/or work environments. By taking responsibility for our own health and adopting a ‘prevention rather than cure’ stance, and not looking to medication alone for all the answers, gradually the body’s reaction to stress can be readjusted through non-invasive methods. Stress drains the body’s natural harmony and balance - by dedicating time for deep relaxation through enjoyable and peaceful therapies, we nourish the ‘you’ deep within, which in turn encourages our body to resist dis-harmony positively.
In my opinion, in an increasingly fast-paced business world, organisations can ill afford short or long-term sickness in their staff. Companies who ‘look after’ their teams are, in my opinion, more likely to retain a competitive edge because the workforce feel valued and protected, which in turn may lead to greater degrees of loyalty, a mindset that will ‘go the extra mile’ when under pressure, increased productivity, and a team that are healthy and happy with reduced sick leave. With the huge financial toll that stress-related illness costs UK employers (>£350 million a year), can we afford to ignore our corporate and individual responsibility to protect our well being?





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