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Who can use reiki treatments?

The everyday demands of the body & mind

Any adult, child or animal can receive Reiki and it’s not ageist! Whether the recipient is 9 months or 90 years old, Reiki treatments are ‘windows of calm’ from the everyday demands placed upon the body and mind.
Animals are frequently receptive to Reiki. For animal lovers, seeing our pets suffering affects us deeply so by giving them non-invasive Reiki treatments, the energy can help the animal to resolve physical and psychological imbalances, easing their silent suffering through a gentle healing process. I have noticed that quite frequently humans are drawn to new ‘therapies’ through our strong desire to help our animals where normally perhaps, alternative treatments would have been cast aside as ‘weird’.

Thus, our beloved pets sometimes lead us to explore new areas of information, which without their prompting, we might never have found for them or ourselves.

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